
Monthly Knitting Group

20160721_12020820160615_15370120160615_153631A group from both St Leonard’s and St Mary’s meet each month in Newbyres Nursing Home, Gorebridge where we encourage one another in the production of all things knitted. to date we have knitted Footermuffs, Poppies, Baby hats and Comfort Teddies.

Our Group have completed over 1000 poppies to produce 2 Poppy falls to commemorate the Armistice of the first world war. These can be seen in both churches as per these pictures.

If you need a pattern or wish to come and have a look at the yarn currently in the garage please do speak to Fiona! 

Date of next meeting Thursday 27th March, 24th April 10.30 am. 

Newbyres Care Home, Gorebridge





St Leonard’s baking stall  We are back!  The monthly bake stall takes place in the Pitcairn centre on the first Thursday of the month from 10am

 3rd April, 1st May, 5th June, 3rd July